System - Wide Impact Across 4 Core Themes


Balancing both human and Earth centric needs, our ventures impacting the Earth take a regenerative design and development approach tackling a wide range of systemic issues


All of our ventures work to improve gender parity ensuring that diversity, balance and inclusivity is brought to leadership, innovation, ideation and implementation of value generation and capture across all of our ventures

Peace, Security & Stability

Peace, security and stability connect to our primal human needs. Our ventures work to improve these elements across the globe, ensuring that all people can harness their potential to thrive rather than survive


Youth are our future, so developing ventures that engage, empower and give a platform to the thought leadership of our youth, are the key to sustainability

Regenerative Business Design

Value - Adding to All of Life

We use the nine principles of regenerative design and development and dozens of frameworks in our business and impact modelling

Profit Generating

All businesses are profit generating and include mechanisms for local participation in investment

Convergence of Local and Global

We have designed new methodologies to scale, moving away from traditional scaling concepts

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Number of Portfolio Companies
Number of Ventures Open for Investment
Number of Ventures in Development
Number of NGO Partnerships Globally

Venture Funds

We are also creating and designing an innovative side car fund that provides LPs and  exposure to vertically integrated businesses that safeguards the territories within the Whole System Approach. The fund is uniquely designed where each business supports the vertical ecosystem of the other businesses increasing the likelihood for success for the fund

Vertical and systemic integration of businesses are key to identifying synergies within a portfolio mix, so assets serve to not only elevate the vitality and viability of the system they are serving, but also each other, creating multiples of impact and revenue generating opportunities. This de-risks assets from macro shocks including financial and economic  downturns, catastrophic climate events and geopolitical instability. This will be the first investment vehicle designed with this regenerative model that encourages ‘coopetition’ and ensures positive systemic impact across ecologies, societies, economies and culture / heritage traditions.

The fund is also designed with metrics to measure real returns, across seven kinds of capital and impacts measured systemically and in alignment with living systems principles, offering individuals and institutional investors an alternative ESG investment.

Our first fund of this kind is currently in development


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Open Investments

Now more than ever, we need a world embracing the values of diversity and taking actions that reflect inclusion, tolerance and respect. At TMC, we believe social transformation starts with our YOUTH. Zuma the Dog and Friends Productions is an ed-tech and entertainment company for young children specialising in diversity education. With an already established fan-base and some pre-existing IP, Zuma and his friends teach children between the ages of 4-9 about social, religious, cultural, racial and bio-diversity.




Sports, for as long as humans have been on the planet, bring communities together in both competition and celebration. Sports have been central to the fostering of social and cultural identities. But what does the future of sport look like in a post-pandemic world? How do we bring together the real and the virtual harmoniously into a shared experience? Skyrace is the first net zero sport, which brings gamers and real pilots head to head in the first hybrid e-sports / real sports competition with gliders that race in excess of 400km/h, making it the fastest sport on the planet.




Faces of Terror is part of TMC’s diversity education commitment and is a 6 part documentary series for TV which makes accessible to the everyday viewer the complex topic of radicalisation and practical strategies that communities can engage in to prevent the radicalisation of our young people. Already with distribution interest, this company is ready for a passionate investment partner to give this project life. With NGO partnerships running a live victim support campaign through the programme, this project seeks to heal both individuals and communities from the impacts of mass violence.


The Jodhi Project is TMC’s mothership food security company, with a regenerative development fund under construction in addition to a technology business in line with our vertical integration investment strategy. With pilots commencing in Portugal and Malta, with expected growth into US, UK, Africa, Australia and the Gulf, this business combines agroforestry and indoor farming principles and has a unique tech based scaling model, through the Global Jodhi Alliance, a global platform for home growers, commercial growers and Jodhi Growing Centres to connect and distribute through an accredited, climate protected food production and distribution methodology.